The first sign of failure was the appearance of puckers during the quilting. Hate that! Then I ran out of bobbin thread with only 7" of border to quilt! Hate that, too! |
Then, I learn that my math is wrong and I am short 1-1/2" on the binding! What the . . .! |
Then, it's all done and I realize I should have quilted it in the same direction as the strings in the blocks!! Oh, kurrapp! |
And, as if that wasn't bad enough, I see my quilting is absolutely MORE than modern! It's positively WONKY! |
So, as you can see it was a big day in the sewing room. I finally pulled together those 5" Amy Butler scrap blocks and made a baby quilt. Quilthome.com was having a sale and I couldn't resist this fabric on sale for $2.99/yard. It's the perfect backing for this quilt. The green fabric used for the binding was actually a mistake: I forgot to remove it from my cart before clicking on "submit order." Just another part of the "fail," but it worked out very well, I think!
These are the days when I do so appreciate the Millenials and their Modern Quilting, where nothing needs to match and symmetry is frowned upon! After decades of measuring and worrying and pulling out stitches and resewing seams until my points matched . . . woo hoo! Thank God Almighty, I'm free at last! And these photos testify as to just how free I be!