New project with the math! |
The photo above shows my next UFO. I guess it isn't accurate to call it a "new" project because it's been in the queue for a very long time. I know this because while doing the math I realized I need more of the fabric for the backing and it isn't available. Of course! My other option is to back it with something entirely different. If anyone out there has any of this, let me know if we can negotiate a purchase! (BTW, I love love love my yellow mechanical pencil!)
These gorgeous, cheerful fabrics will become tote bags for groceries and whatnot! |
There are lots of exciting Earth-saving events occurring in my town: (a) expanded recycling for plastics #1 through #7 (woo hoo!), (b) replacing trash bags with rolling trash carts (not sure how this will work, but the only people squawking are those who make so much garbage it's sinful), and (c) an impending ban on plastic bags at groceries and convenience stores. So, triple Woo Hoo! These fabrics, ordered from one of my favorite online fabric shops
Quilthome.com, are going to become fabulous tote bags that can be washed and used repeatedly for decades! My own personal stash of tote bags includes some mighty fine vintage items from the 80's and 90's.
Yesterday I finished the Amy Butler Melons #4 quilt while watching Don
Matteo on PBS/MHz. Love that show! Since the quilting was on the
diagonal and wavy, I had a puckering problem. I worried about this at
first and did remove several rows of quilting and then someone very wise
and very new to quilting (The Drag Queen Quilter, if you must know)
mentioned that sometimes he worries about puckers and then sometimes he
doesn't. So I chose the doesn't part and plunged ahead. Now I have a
quilted quilt. Hooray! xoxo